What You Will Need
- Needle
- Thread
- Fabric
- Measuring grid
- Covered weight
- Steamer/iron

Step 1
The key to creating a perfect mitred corner is creating really clear crease lines as guides.
Firstly, turn in your side returns by 5cm using the measuring grid and steam to create the crease line. Sliding the measuring grid on, accurately do this along both sides of the fabric.

Step 2
With the side returns pressed into place, we're going to turn our attention onto our hem.
Our hem allowance is 15cm, so we're going to use the same technique as we used on the sides to create the crease line.

Step 3
Next, unfold the hem and you should see the 15cm crease line. Fold over the fabric so the raw edge meets that crease line. Then again, steam across the fabric to create another crease line.

Step 4
Now, turn out your hem allowance and your side returns. Find where the side return crease line and the bottom hem crease line (the one we made at 15cm) meet and pop a finger on the middle of where they meet.

Step 5
Bring the side return creaseline parallel to the bottom hem crease line. You'll know its right as the side return crease line will now be running straight along your bottom hem crease line.

Step 6
Fold the side return and hem inwards. Your mitred corner has now been created. Open it up slightly and place a covered weight in the corner and sew this into place to secure.

Step 7
Now, reform your mitred corner as it's time to ladder stitch it closed.
Start off by securing your stitch. Next, our needle is going to glide into the void of the fold on the left hand side of the mitre. Pull it through and repeat on the right hand side of the mitre at the same point. Repeat this until you reach the bottom corner of the mitre.

Step 8
When you've reached the bottom corner of the mitre, gently pull the thread through to close it up.
Then, place the needle back into the mitre and thread it through back up to the top where you can then secure it off to complete your mitred corner.