What You Will Need
For this step by step guide you will need:
- Needle
- Pins
- Zip
- Pom Pom Strip
- Thread
- Fabric
- Scissors
- Tape Measure
- Sewing Machine

Step 1
The first thing that needs to be worked out is the cut fabric size of your two panels. To calculate this, measure the length and width from seam to seam. As every fabric naturally has some stretch, it's best to now deduct 1cm from your width and 1cm from your length to ensure you have a plump cushion. Now, we need to add our seam allowances. These will be 1.5cm on our side edges and the one top edge and add an additional 2cm to the bottom edge for the zip allowance.
Next, cut out your two panels and you can zig zag stitch/overlock the edges to prevent fraying if your fabric is doing so.

Step 2
Next, its time to sew the bottom edge to create the pocket for the zip. Put your fabric panels right side to right side and pin along the bottom edge. Next, in the bottom left corner, mark a dot thats 2cm up from your bottom edge and 5cm in from your side edge. Repeat this for the other bottom corner too.

Step 3
Now, take your fabric pieces to the sewing machine. Starting at one corner, sew along the pinned edge at a 2mm stitch width until you reach your first dot. Then, swap to the highest stitch width your machine has available and sew across the middle until you meet your next dot. To finish, switch back to a 2mm stitch width for the last section until you meet your edge. Its important to secure your stitches tightly at your two dots as these are points of stress for the cushion cover.

Step 4
Next, with the right side of your fabric facing down, its time to open up and press your seam. When this is pressed, the long stitches between the 2 dots can be unpicked. This will create the opening for the zip.

Step 5
Place the zip face down into the hole thats been created by the unpicking of the long stitches. Make sure its centralised and with one side of the zip on each opening of the gap. The stopper of the zip should stretch just beyond where the gap ends and the secure stitching starts.
Pin one side of the zip in place and sew to secure. Then repeat with the other side. When sewing, make sure both stitches are towards the zip and that a zipper foot is used.

Step 6
Now its time to add our pom pom trim. This will only go on the right side egdes of the front panel piece and they will lie inwards.
When positioning the pom poms, make sure they're straight and pull them slightly to elimate any sag. Make sure there's no pom poms sitting on your seams. When you're happy with the positioning, cut and pin in place.
Sew along the edge with a zig zag stitch to hold it in place. Don't worry about being too neat as its just a tacking stitch.
Repeat with the other side and make sure it has the same number of pom poms.

Step 7
The pom poms are now attached and it's time to sew the panels together. Open your zip halfway and pin the 3 open edges together. It's important to make sure the seams are flat on the bottom edges.
Sew the side edges together using the zipper foot as this will help you get as close as possible to the edge. For the top edge, use a standard foot.
Then, sew all 3 edges again with a zig zag stitch.

Step 8
To finish, cut off any excess seam allowance and turn the cushion right sides out. Insert your cushion inner and you've got a cushion cover with a pom pom trim and a concealed zip.