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How To - Create a Fabric Noticeboard

This super simple creative task requires no sewing and shows you how to easily create a stylish fabric noticeboard!

What You'll Need

What You'll Need

  • MDF or equivalent board, you can use any size, we used a 60cm X 40cm board
  •  Your chosen fabric, we used half a metre to cover ours
  •  Lining, you will need the same amount of lining and wadding as fabric
  • Wadding
  • Staple gun
  • Pins
  • Ribbon – we used 4.5m for our board. If using a different size, then mark the pattern of the ribbon out first onto the board (see step three) and measure. Make sure you add about 25cm extra for the top loop to hang.
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Upholstery nails or buttons
  • Pencil
  • Hammer
  • Iron
Step One

Step One

  • Firstly, choose which section of the fabric you would like on the noticeboard, this is especially important if using a patterned fabric like we have. When you have decided, with the fabric face down, lightly draw around the board and add an extra 5cm around the edges for turnover. Cut this out.
  • Make sure your lining and wadding are the same size as the piece of fabric you have cut out. 
Step Two

Step Two

  • With your fabric still face down, place the wadding on first and then the board on top, ensuring it is central and that you have an even 5cm around each edge of the board.
  • Fold the fabric and wadding over the edges of the board and work your way around, using the staple gun to secure into place but make sure you leave the corners until last.
  • When you have secured each side, trim any excess wadding from the corners, and neatly fold the fabric in each corner and staple into place.
Step Three

Step Three

  • Using the ruler and the pins, equally divide each side into sections. The width of our board was 60cm, we marked every 20cm with a pin and therefore divided it into 3. With the length being 40cm, we divided this by 2 and marked half way at 20cm.
  • Use the ribbon and lay out a strip, connecting each pin to its diagonal opposite, ensuring there is enough ribbon at each end to fold behind the board and use the same pin to secure the ribbon.
Step Four

Step Four

  • Turn the board over and secure the ribbon ends on the back with the staple gun.
  • On the top of the board, at the back, mark where the centre point is and add 5cm each side. Attach roughly 25cm of ribbon at these two points using the staple gun, to create a loop to hang the board from.
Step Five

Step Five

  • On every place where the ribbons cross on the front of the board, attach an upholstery nail, using the hammer. Alternatively, you can secure the ribbons on the cross with the staple gun, and then either stitch on a button over the top or glue it into place using fabric glue or a glue gun. We used 8 nails for our board.
Step Six

Step Six

  • Finally, take the lining and iron about a 1cm edge for a neat finish, then turn this over and staple into place on the back. 

Admire Your Work

We love this incredibly simple way of making a fabric noticeboard, why not give it a go? For ours we used some old fabric remnants as you really don't need very much fabric!

Just Fabrics
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Please get in touch with us on 01242 388390 and we can see if we can price match.