Use Woodland Fabric in Earthy Tones
When you picture a beautiful woodland setting, it’s the colours that make the strongest impression. Bring nature into your home with woodland fabric in soft green, deep purple and rusty orange. By combining these with earthy brown hues, your woodland look will really come alive.
Reflect Nature Through Print
Leaf patterns and branch designs are always popular and range from the traditional to the contemporary, depending on the colour and fabric. Wilderness is a printed fabric by Voyage Decoration that would work well for a warm bedroom design. The amber tones would also suit a kitchen or dining room. If you’re going all-out with this theme, a green foliage design is just gorgeous when used as a curtain fabric.

Style Furniture to Suit your Home
The type and style of furniture you choose will depend on the period of your home and the look you’re trying to create. If you have an older property, try mixing green tartans with leather on armchairs and footstools. This look is especially striking against wooden floorboards. It’s best to make either the windows or the main sofa your focal point. A printed woodland fabric, such as Cairngorms or Aviemore, will add interest to the scheme, while chunky wooden tables, piles of cushions and large floor lamps will lend a rustic feel.
To create a forest vibe in a modern home, pick up the theme with metallic leaf designs and combine with white and black pieces in high-gloss for urban appeal. A feature wall in a monochrome forest-print wallpaper would look stunning in this context too.
Have Fun with Accessories
It’s easy to give a room a quick update with some woodland-inspired accessories and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Collect fallen pine cones in the autumn and display on a coffee table or in a fireside basket alongside your logs for a rustic feel. Antlers and stag designs are a great part of the forest look too. Try adding a statement cushion to your sofa with a soft, woollen throw. Keeping the lighting low with candles and a roaring fire will add to the cosy feel.

Try a Woodland Theme for your Nursery
The woodland theme is ideal for a unisex nursery or child’s bedroom. Fun and quirky, it’s a great alternative to some of the more traditional children’s themes. Choose a woodland friends fabric for the curtains or blinds and pick out an accent colour for the walls and accessories. Woodland animal cushions are widely available and, if you have wooden flooring, soften the look and add texture with a cosy rug.